
SCANNER - Power Speed Metal from Germany

image SCANNER Album Hypertrace image SCANNER Album Terminal Earth image SCANNER Album Mental Reservation image SCANNER Album Ball of the Damned image SCANNER Album Scantropolis image SCANNER Album The Judgement

image SCANNER Album The Cosmic Race

                                                         New Album 2024  - THE COSMIC RACE - 



Scanner line up 2024

photo credit /editing: SCANNER


Scanner Spped Powewr Metal Band


Scanner Spped Powewr Metal Band


Scanner Spped Powewr Metal Band


Scanner Spped Powewr Metal Band





"THE GALACTOS TAPES" - Best-Of - August 2017

Link - The Galactos Tapes - Official Page

It is a cross section of 30 SCANNER years. On the one hand this is a standard best of album. But on the other hand this is a very special studio project will come up with a whole bunch of re-recordings of songs from 1988 to 2015. In imagery it we tell you the gripping story of our figure Scanner on his planet Galactos. 2 CDs released as digipak.


latest album:




the story:

the figure of the SCANNER

image figure SCANNER


SCANNERs cover and albums concepts often deal with SF because we created "THE SCANNER" as a SF character/figure.
learn more





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